Community Partners 

Ophelia’s Place exists to meet mental health needs within the community– but we couldn’t do that without the support of community!

We are grateful to these businesses and the people behind them for their support. They are invested in our collective’s wellbeing, and are taking tangible action steps to fill the gap in mental health services. They are Community Creating Change.


Are you part of an organization, corporation or small business that cares about the eating disorder community?

Partner with us to save lives, and fill the gaps in mental health services.

Your partnership helps support those in recovery by:

  • Giving people the tools and support to shift from self-harm behaviors into more sustainable and self-caring coping skills

  • Mitigating panic and reactivity in moments of crisis, offering guidance and support to get folks connected to the right kinds of care

  • Decreasing the amount of dieting, diet talk and negative body talk within families, work spaces and peer circles– creating more safety, deeper conversations, and stronger relationships

  • Lowering the risk of suicide by teaching skills for moving through pain with more support, compassion and resources

  • Increasing our collective sense of belongingness, by building resiliency to body-shaming messages. When we feel that we belong, we're less likely to turn towards disordered eating to try and "fit in"

  • Empowering people to move their bodies in ways that feel joyful and nurturing, rather than punishing, compensating and injuring themselves; movement is healing!!

  • Teaching us how to love ourselves deeply, so that when we look in the mirror we can appreciate and celebrate all that we are, and the gifts we have to offer the world

  • Freeing up the mental space for Every Body to stop thinking so much about food, exercise and bodies, in order to engage in the things that actually bring joy and fulfillment

  • Reducing the financial debt load the mental health community experiences due to inpatient treatment, and out of pocket costs for therapy and nutritional/ medical rehabilitation

  • Reducing stress, anxiety and depression by holding space for people to heal the wounds at the roots of these conditions